Musicians with Full Membership at 440Music Entertainment Co gain unparalleled access to a treasure trove of resources tailored specifically for the indie music community. Our extensive database includes thousands of music venues across the United States and Canada, all actively seeking to host indie bands and musicians. This direct connection to venue managers and booking agents simplifies the process of securing gigs and expanding your audience.
As a Full Member, you'll receive priority listing to ensure your profile stands out, radio promotions to broadcast your music to an enthusiastic audience, and prominent banner advertising across the entire 440Music website. These features significantly increase your visibility, allowing you to control and maximize your exposure to millions of indie music fans who visit 440Music daily in search of new and exciting music.
Additionally, 440Music provides comprehensive support to enhance your online presence. Members benefit from both email and phone support to assist with any aspect of website development and management, ensuring that you can effectively showcase your talent.
By joining 440Music Entertainment Co, you are not just gaining access to tools and opportunities; you are becoming part of a supportive community dedicated to promoting and elevating indie music. We are committed to providing the platform and support you need to succeed and make a lasting impact in the music industry. Sign up for Full Membership today and take the next step in your music career!